Emergency Services

For all Emergencies, Call 911

To inform us of a controlled burn please call the non- emergent line for the Antlers Police Department at 580-298-5513

For Frequently Asked Questions Please Visit the Bottom Right Section of This Page

Antlers Fire EMS

121 S High St.

Antlers OK, 74523

Fire Department

The Antlers Fire Department has a team of fire fighters and emergency response personnel (paid and volunteer) which are housed in two fire stations. The Department is headed by the Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief. They respond to all fire and rescue situations as directed by the 911 service. The Fire department also provides information on fire risk assessment, permits, fire alarms, and safety guidance.

Fire Subscription

Only residents of the Antlers Fire District qualify to sign up for the Fire Subscription. Payment for your subscription must be paid before the end of the year to qualify for the next year. If you did not sign up before the end of the year please feel free to contact us we would love to speak with you about your options.

Your yearly $50.00 subscription goes to the purchasing of equipment, maintenance, and upkeep of the rural fire department. When paid, this subscription can assist with the cost of your fire call and are the way the fire department gets their revenue to operate. With the rising cost of safety equipment that is necessary to maintain the fire department, we ask for your support. This is only for residents of Pushmataha County fire district. Residents of City Limits do not have to sign up as your subscription is covered since you pay a water bill. If you are not sure if you live in the Antlers Fire District, there is a map located at the Fire Department with the districts and boundaries for Pushmataha County.

To pay for your fire subscription please open the form below, print a copy and fill it out in full. Once the information is filled out you may mail your form to the fire station or bring it in person.

Fire Dues Form

Please bring your payment in one of the forms listed below…

  • Exact cash

  • Check

  • Money Order

Payment should be made to – Antlers Fire/EMS

Frequently asked questions:

  • How much is the subscription? The subscription is $50.00 once a year

  • Does my fire subscription cover just me or my whole household? Your fire due subscription covers one single household that is filled out on your form. 

  • How does the fire department know which property I want covered under my subscription? There is a form we have that is required to be filled out in full and brought in with your payment, this form has an address line that must have the  address of property you want covered. Do not fill in your home address on this line unless it is the property you want covered under the subscription.


Emergency Medical Services, more commonly known as EMS, provides emergency medical care. The Antlers EMS has contracted with Pushmataha County to provide ambulance services for the entire county. The EMS department is managed by the EMS Administrator.

Ambulance Subscription

Having an Antlers EMS Membership Saves You Money!!

When you become a member, you will be supporting healthcare benefits for you, your family, friends, and neighbors. With your subscription AEMS will work on your behalf with your insurance provider to secure payment for your ambulance transports. After payment from your insurance is secured, the entire bill will be considered paid in full. Your membership helps support our operations in our secluded/rural areas where our quick response is important and crucial in saving lives during emergencies.

To sign up and/or read more print the form linked below, fill out the information in full and mail or bring your payment to the fire station!

Ambulance Subscription Form

Training center

We maintain a regional fire training facility here in Antlers that is equipped with the equipment to perform live fire exercises , and vehicle fires. It also provides emergency medical courses through paramedic and heart saver programs.

To ask us about training, contact Fire/EMS Chief Darrell Spalding

Find our training center

1205 SW 2nd St, Antlers, OK 74523

Our Staff

Fire Chief- Darrell Spalding

Our fire chief is Darrell Spalding, he has been chief since August of 2024. He has accomplished many things since August of 2024, including signing our station up for grants, gathering donations to improve our equipment, providing fire inspections, teaching classes, and overall improving the quality of our staff!

Billing- Jannette Wheeler & Julia Tuttle

Jannette and Julia take care of our billing for ambulance transport, if you have any questions regarding a transport feel free to contact one of them! They would love to help you!

Contact Us

For Emergencies, Call 911

Chief Darrell Spalding City Phone: (580) 982-3909

Office Phone: (580) 298-0288

For billing questions and issues please contact Julia Tuttle with the information below

Phone: 580-298-0288, during office hours

Email: julia@antlersfire.com , contact any time

For insurance issues and discount purposes please contact Jannette Wheeler at jannette@antlersfire.com.

We ask for your patience with our hours and response time, thank you!

 City of Antlers Fire/EMS Facebook

Find Our Office

121 S High St. Antlers OK, 74523

Our office is located at the station pictured below, our entrance to our office is the white door on the right hand side!

When visiting our station in person please DO NOT enter our ambulance bay without emergency personnel present! We do not want the public in the bay for your own safety in the case that any equipment malfunctions. Our front door is located on the right hand side next to the windows and is unlocked during our office hours. You are more than welcome to come in we would love to help you! In the case the door is locked we may not be available and ask that you call us at a later date.

About Us

Here at Antlers Fire/EMS, we are committed to providing more then exceptional Fire and EMS services for our community. We have a dedicated team that is ready to serve the City of Antlers and Pushmataha county with speed, skill, and compassion. Our mission is to deliver top-tier emergency response services, whether it’s fire suppression, rescue operations, medical emergencies, or a disaster response. Our team works tirelessly day and night to save lives, protect property, and ensure safety. From our firefighters to our paramedics, every member of our team is dedicated to making a difference in the moments you need us most. At Antlers Fire/EMS, we understand the importance of trust and community, and we are honored to be your trusted Fire and EMS provider. Whether you have an emergency or want to chat with our staff to learn more about us, we are here to help, every step of the way.

We Are Hiring!

We are looking for

  • Firefighter/Paramedic

  • Firefighter/EMT

  • Firefighter/EMR

Those who meet the qualifications will be eligible for the state firefighter pension plan!

To Apply:

Follow the link below , print out the application, fill the application out in full, and bring the application to the fire station during our office hours!

Antlers Fire/EMS Application

We would love to welcome you to our team! If you have any questions please contact us we would be happy to talk with you!

Frequently asked questions:

Is the position full time or part time?

Our firefighters are volunteer, we do not have firefighters at the station 24/7. When a fire call comes in our firefighters come to the station quickly and get the trucks to proceed to the location.

Our EMS position is preferably full time, we currently have 2 full time workers at the station 24/7 that respond to emergency calls and 2 additional full time workers on call 24/7 as backup in case there are 2 emergencies at one time.

  • What is the starting pay?

            The pay varies on the position you are applying for and the qualifications you have.

  • Is there a place for 24/7 EMS to sleep?

              Yes, we have bedding and shower accommodations for those on shift.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Department and Services

  • Where are you located? We are located at 121 S High Street here in Antlers, we are also around the corner from the Police Department and across the street from City Hall and the Library.
  • How do I access the office? Our office door is located on the right hand side of the front of the building, it is white and is next to our front windows. Please do not walk into our equipment bay even if the doors are open, we ask this of you for your own safety!
  • What if your office is locked during office hours? In this case we may not currently be available, you are welcome to knock on the door in case it was locked in error or you can call us to be sure. Please feel free to come back another day or call us another time!
  • Why do I have to call the police department instead of the fire department when I do a controlled burn? We have the public call the police department so that in the case a neighbor does not know you are burning and calls 911, the police department will already know you are control burning and will not send out emergency services unless they are truly needed. Please feel free to call us if you are unsure if we are under a burn ban!