Antlers City Council
The Antlers City Council is elected to oversee city government and to develop city policies. The Council consists of five members: a Council Member from each of the City’s four wards and one Council Member at large. They serve 4 year terms with no term limits. The Mayor and Vice Mayor are elected from within the Council.
The Council hires the City Manager and the City Judge. It appoints members to the boards of the Pushmataha Hospital, Public Housing, Senior Nutrition Center, and Library, as well as the members of the Planning Committee.
Council Members: Mayor Madge Gentry, Vice Mayor Mike Baggett, Mike Burrage, Charlie Deupree, and Nick Hopkins.
Council Meeting: First Wednesday of the month 12:00 at City Hall.
Agendas for City Council meetings are posted here and on the outside display board at City Hall.
Minutes for City Council Meetings are posted here
To contact City Council members or to apply for addition to the agenda, call the City Clerk Treasurer: Sherry Dobbs (580) 298-3756.
Mayor Madge Gentry
The City Manager, Mike Taylor is contracted by the City Council and is the chief executive of the city. He is in charge of all operations and city departments. He oversees the day-to-day business of the city, presents policy proposals for City Council consideration, and carries out policy direction set by the City Council. The Manager’s Office manages personnel policies for city departments that do not have a governing board.
The City Manager is responsible for hearing the concerns and requests of the community and bringing them to the council. The city manager must present budget reports, anticipate needs, and create programs to address them. He is also the lead in most grants to the City.
Michael Taylor is contracted by the City Council and is the chief executive of the city. He is in charge of all operations and City departments. He oversees the day-to-day business of the city, presents policy proposals for City Council consideration, and carries out policy direction set by the City Council. The Manager’s Office manages personnel policies for City departments that do not have a governing board.
is responsible for hearing the concerns and requests of the community and bringing them to the council. The city manager must present budget reports, anticipate needs, and create programs to address them. He is also the lead in most grants to the City.
For information on city financial matters or for payment of licenses and fees, contact the City Clerk Treasurer.
The Industrial Authority promotes business growth and industry in the city of Antlers. Currently, Antlers has two industrial parks with all amenities like water, gas, electric, and phone service in place.
For more information, contact the City Manager.
The Antlers House Authority manages low income housing funded by HUD. The Authority has 84 family and senior units.
Housing applications can be picked up from 7AM to 4PM Monday- Thursday.
City Clerk Treasurer: Sherry Dobbs
City Hall
Phone: 580-298-3756
City Manager: Mike Taylor
City Hall
Phone: 580-298-3756
Antlers Housing Authority
225 NW A Street
Antlers, OK 74523
Phone: 580-298-5542