Animal Control

Animal Control

The Animal Control Officer as well as the Antlers Police Department enforces the leash law. Our Dog Catcher picks up any stray dogs within the City Limits of Antlers. Once collected, the dogs are taken in the City Pound and are held for a minimum of 7 days.

There is a one time $25.00 adoption fee for dogs in the pound, who have been there for 7 days or longer.

If your dog has been picked up by the dog catcher, there is a $25.00 fee for the first day and a $10.00 daily fee that accrues every day that they sit in the pound. These fees are per dog, if more than one of your dogs are picked up at one time.

We also will take a surrender fee of $25.00 per dog, if you need to surrender your dog(s). These will immediately be eligible for adoption.

We do not take any cats, as they are considered feral animals. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. 


ACO Talisha Cranfield

To report ferocious or dangerous stray animal, call the Animal Control Officer or the Antlers Police Department.

To check to see if a missing dog has been picked up, please contact the Animal Control Officer. Fees must be paid at Antlers City Hall before retrieving animals from the City Pound.


Antlers Police Department
Phone: 298-5513

Animal Control Officer:

Talisha Cranfield
Phone: (580) 298-7275

Antlers City Dog Pound Facebook

Antlers Dog Pound
501 SW 5th St.
Antlers, OK 74523

City Hall
100 SE 2nd St.
Antlers, OK 74523